Moving Average Crossover - stock market timing alerts. |
The moving average is one of the oldest analytical tools for stock market alerts. It shows the average
value of the stock price over a period of time and is used to emphasize the
the direction of a trend. While the price is below the moving average, it is
considered as bearish behavior in relation to the trend length being
When the price falls from the level above the moving average to the level below the moving
average, it warns that the price trend being viewed may be weakening, and it presents stock market timing alerts. The moving
average is a lagging indicator of the price trend.
Moving average and stock price crossover is a stock trading signal. The basic interpretation is to
buy when the stock price moves above its moving average and sell when the
price moves below its moving average. The length of the moving average should
match the trend time frame. We use a 20-day moving average crossover to identify weekly
trend and 50-day moving average crossover for monthly trend stock market alerts. |