The Greedy Trader Weekly Analysis
Sign In Jul 26, 2024
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Stock Market Technical Indicators by Industry - Consumer Discretionary

IndustryGreed/Fear Indicator
Specialized Consumer Services78%
Computer & Electronics Retail69%
Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines61%
Apparel Retail60%
Household Appliances59%
Internet & Direct Marketing Retail58%
Leisure Products56%
Home Improvement Retail52%
Specialty Stores48%
Automobile Manufacturers47%
Motorcycle Manufacturers44%
Department Stores43%
Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods43%
Housewares & Specialties42%
Casinos & Gaming32%
Auto Parts & Equipment30%
General Merchandise Stores26%
Automotive Retail22%
Click on market industry link to see technical analysis for industry members.
 - Greed  - Fear
Warning: presents weekly analysis. Technical indicators and trend parameters are calculated for the close of business day indicated on the top right corner of the screen.