The Greedy Trader Weekly Analysis
Sign In Jul 26, 2024
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Technical Stock Screener - Trend Following Signals

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Price Crossed Above 50 Day Moving Average View Help 34
Price Crossed Below 50 Day Moving Average View Help 25
Price bounced up off 50 Day Moving Average View Help 0
Price bounced down off 50 Day Moving Average View Help 5
Price Rises Above Parabolic SAR View Help 51
Price Falls Below Parabolic SAR View Help 164
Price Crossed Above 100 Day Moving Average View Help 27
Price Crossed Below 100 Day Moving Average View Help 12
Price bounced up off 100 Day Moving Average View Help 0
Price bounced down off 100 Day Moving Average View Help 1
Price Crossed Above 200 Day Moving Average View Help 18
Price Crossed Below 200 Day Moving Average View Help 5
Price bounced up off 200 Day Moving Average View Help 0
Price bounced down off 200 Day Moving Average View Help 1
Daily Golden Cross View Help 38
Weekly Golden Cross View Help 3
Monthly Golden Cross View Help 8
Quarterly Golden Cross View Help 0
Daily Death Cross View Help 15
Weekly Death Cross View Help 9
Monthly Death Cross View Help 0
Quarterly Death Cross View Help 2

Moving Average Crossover - stock market timing alerts.

The moving average is one of the oldest analytical tools for stock market alerts. It shows the average value of the stock price over a period of time and is used to emphasize the the direction of a trend. While the price is below the moving average, it is considered as bearish behavior in relation to the trend length being viewed.

When the price falls from the level above the moving average to the level below the moving average, it warns that the price trend being viewed may be weakening, and it presents stock market timing alerts. The moving average is a lagging indicator of the price trend.

Moving average and stock price crossover is a stock trading signal. The basic interpretation is to buy when the stock price moves above its moving average and sell when the price moves below its moving average. The length of the moving average should match the trend time frame. We use a 20-day moving average crossover to identify weekly trend and 50-day moving average crossover for monthly trend stock market alerts.
Warning: presents weekly analysis. Technical indicators and trend parameters are calculated for the close of business day indicated on the top right corner of the screen.