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Stocks Screener - Broken Support Trend Line

Yearly Price vs. Trendline:Broken Support
Number of records: 20
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- 7/19/2024 -
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AAL 10.58-0.94%37.6415.05 6 10 4 07/16/24	Bullish  Long White Real Body
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APA 32.016.81%80.5349.76 3 50 1 07/17/24	Bearish  Deliberation
07/15/24	Bullish  Long White Real Body
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AVGO 157.35-90.75%3.5831.42 7 69 6 07/17/24	Bearish  Long Red Real Body
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BF.B 43.48-1.56%64.5824.16 1 12 Add to Watch List
CME 199.853.32%74.7032.16 10 80 2 Add to Watch List
COTY 9.96-4.60%37.8619.96 1 35 2 07/17/24	Bullish  Doji Star
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CPB 46.402.05%76.0769.55 1 26 2 Downtrend Resistance07/19/24	Bearish  Long Red Real Body
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FXF 100.010.59%69.8363.19 4 Add to Watch List

Trend Line Resistance Trend Line Support Resistance.

Trendline support resistance provides an excellent buy/sell signals in trending market. On an uptrend, buy around the support trend line level and place a stop order below the trend line support. Take profit on the trend line resistance level. Reverse the technique in a downtrend. Short around the resistance trend line level and place a stop order above the trend line resistance.
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