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Stocks Screener - Broadening Ascending Wedge

Weekly Pattern:Broadening Ascending Wedge
Number of records: 50
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- 7/19/2024 -
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AMT 210.14-0.22%84.2579.74 12 90 1 Downtrend Broken Resist.Add to Watch List
ARE 125.21-0.60%76.6358.28 12 85 1 Downtrend ResistanceAdd to Watch List
AVB 207.372.70%69.1781.18 12 118 3 Add to Watch List
BKNG 3967.25-1.47%42.1972.98 2 92 5 07/16/24	Bearish  Deliberation
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BR 201.89-1.73%63.1466.17 7 32 4 Add to Watch List
CCL 18.431.10%63.2373.44 2 97 1 07/16/24	Bullish  Long White Real Body
07/15/24	Bearish  Deliberation
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CE 138.86-2.38%68.6328.58 4 42 2 07/19/24	Bearish  Long Red Real Body
07/16/24	Bearish  Deliberation
07/15/24	Bearish  Deliberation
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CL 98.080.01%69.4581.17 1 35 2 07/16/24	Bullish  Doji
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DFS 141.777.98%80.8072.02 10 86 2 Downtrend Broken Resist.07/17/24	Bullish  Doji
07/16/24	Bullish  Long White Real Body
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DGX 146.011.32%78.9168.17 5 63 2 Downtrend Broken Resist.Add to Watch List

Chart Analysis and Chart Pattern Recognition – Broadening Formations

Broadening Formations, including Broadening Ascending Wedge, present inverted triangle patterns. They start with narrow fluctuations, and then widen out between diverging boundary lines. The pattern, where one of the boundary lines is horizontal, is referred to as a right-angled formation. Broadening formations usually mark the reversal when confirmed by other technical indicators.
Broadening formations Screening page presents a list of stocks forming Broadening formation Pattern.
# 1
As a reversal formation, Broadening formation Pattern appears in a mature trend, characterized by overbought/oversold long-term and short-term indicators. This situation usually generates divergence on long-term indicators.
# 2 For the best results, chart patterns and trend resistance support should be considered together with other technical analysis signals and technical trading techniques.
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