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Technical Analysis Glossary

Stock Chart Patterns.

The price chart is the result of the activity of all market participants. It reflects periods of high expectations, greed and fear. As with most emotional human activities, it presents different patterns. Chart analysis and pattern recognition provide useful information for technical analysis, trend analysis, and market timing signals for technical trading. Trendlines and chart patterns can be analyzed in different time frames: from intraday, daily and weekly frames, up to multi-year patterns. It is the best practice to analyze patterns in conjunction with other technical indicators. Each price pattern is formed by several smaller sub waves. At least 3 – 4 subwaves are required to perform a reliable pattern screening. We use a minimal required number of sub waves for an earlier pattern recognition screener. On the other hand, a pattern formed with more subwaves is more reliable.
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Warning: presents weekly analysis. Technical indicators and trend parameters are calculated for the close of business day indicated on the top right corner of the screen.